Weigh-in #3

Well it has been a week since my last post. Weigh-in was down another 2 lbs for a total of 6 lbs for the challenge…whoo hoo. If I have said it once this week I have said it a hundred times, I am feeling GREAT. I can SEE the changes in my body, I can FEEL the changes in my body, and I am LOVING the changes in my body. For the first time ever with trying to loose weight (I went to university and had two kids, so I have tried many times to loose weight) that I have not been stressed about counting calories, tracking what I eat, logging everything, buying low fat or obsessively eating salads. It was a conscious decision this time to just eat good food, buy quality and make meals rather than prepackaged items. I watch portion sizes, eat regularly (three meals and two snacks daily), and drink LOTS of water. My family is on board with our new healthy lifestyle, the kids get balanced, healthy lunches (which do include a homemade cookies). They see me using the elliptical, going for a run, doing my fab-abs workouts and they know that “we are getting strong and healthy” NOT losing weight. You know it is starting to sink in when your 4 year old looks at your dinner of roast, carrots & baked potatoes and says “yummy Mommy, we are making healthy food choices – did you see me grow stronger after that bite”; or when your 7 year old says “hmmm, I love this, can I have homemade pancakes in my lunch for school”.

I did not get out and pound as much ground as I wanted last week, however the elliptical has been my friend. It is nice to have a backup plan and the opportunity to get in the exercise after dark. I live in a rural area with no street lights so running after dark is not an option for me unless I drive 15 minutes to the next town. I am not going to stress over this either as I am continuing to move forward and doing great. I am on 4 x 1’s this week. I keep these intervals on the elliptical too, trying to go faster on the “run” times. It is working well.

Keep up the great work…. Don’t Quit, Commit šŸ™‚

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    LaughingLady said,

    You know, I left a big long comment here before, but I think I forgot to actually login with WordPress and so I think it never actually got posted! And of course, I totally forget what I said!!

    Oh yes, “pound some ground” ~ I love that phrase! I trying to find time for that, too (though I don’t run, I walk ~ or USED to walk ~ 2 miles a day), but also living in a rural area and starting a new part-time job has me wracking my brain to find a good time for it. Haha, and we just sold our elliptical before Christmas!! I would prefer to walk in almost ANY weather over using that thing!! We had it for almost 8 years and I rarely used it.

    Keep up the great work!!

    • 2

      Thanks for your comment šŸ™‚ It brings a smile to my face when i see that people have actually read what I wrote. I only created this blog because of the challenge and only share it on this site. It is one more level of accountability to stick with it. That is funny about your elliptical, we just purchased ours before Christmas and I love it. However I wish now that I had bought a treadmill instead, the elliptical and running are not the same thing. All the more excuse to get outside, which is where I would prefer to be anyway. The wind has died down today so although it is still chilly out there (-15 or so) I will be pounding some ground at lunch to get the 5K in. Have a fabulous day and thanks for reading.

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